Monday, December 26, 2005

Xmas desktop environments

After a very nice xmas gift (thanks gookster) of a brand new Apple 12" powerbook G4 i spent most of Christmas playing with my new toys IE Itunes,iphoto etc etc. In fact it leaves me in a nice position to compare the differing user experiences of the following environments i now have to hand at home.

1. OSX Tiger via the new powerbook
2. SuSE 10.0 (KDE 3.4) OSS version on my normal desktop PC
3. SuSE 9.2 (Gnome) on the 64bit AMD development PC
4. Windows XP SP2 on my old fujitsu-siemens lap (top, this dual boots with SuSE 9.2.
5. Solaris 10 for X86, (when my Dell poweredge servers DVD drive is replaced after xmas)

On other matters, I will after the xmas holidays start to publish my thoughts on RubyonRails, as that is the latest platform i am taking a look at.