OK i decided to join the netbook club and buy an ultra portable, i wanted two main features a 10.1 inch screen with pre installed Linux, finding a model with linux is getting harder and harder the Micro$oft world domination team have been working the manufacturers hard of late i think.
I plumped for a Lenovo S10e from ebuyer priced at £210, I was tempted by the lovely Samsung range at £300, however finding a linux enabled model was difficult. As you can see in the picture its a nice well made model and seems a quality build. The SuSE Enterprise 10 desktop operating system integrates well and runs very quickly with the ATOM processor and the 1 gig of RAM. However there are some niggles....
- Wireless Features - To enable bluetooth and WiFi you need to use a Function-f5 key combination and a custom green button to toggle both services, only the indicator LED gives any sign of sucess.
- The keyboard and the SuSE SCIM feature seem to conspire to someimes produce double typing, i am looking into this issue
- The Touchpad is rather over sensitive and you seem to use the scroll function when you don't really want to, that may be due to my clumsy use of course.
- The battery indicator software works 100%, many linux distros struggle with this.
- The integrated audio and webcam work straight of the box as long as you run a SuSe registration program and refresh your software with the latest updates
- also the gnome (www.gnome.org) network manager makes networking and WiFi operation really simple....OK not a lenovo feature but certainly a resaon to get users to adodpt linux more widely.
- SuSE supply a Citrix client straight out of the box with the SLED 10 desktop, if you like me, may have to work remotely this is a great addition.
- A cisco VPN client would be nice
- A simple WiFi on/off switch in the hardware
- A 3g modem as an optional extra would be a price worth paying, however i can use my 3G phone via bluetooth easily enough
- A preconfigured Blackberry sync, again i am preparing a home grown sync using the software provided by SuSE.