Monday, April 17, 2006

Groove on Google

I was granted access to the recently released google pages creator, as my first effort using the new service from google, I very quickly created a home page for myself The browser based software was slick and extremely easy to use and produced a nice result – which can be seen on the previous url mentioned. I tried the google software on XP with IE and with Linux on firefox, the firefox browser seemed to stall when clicking around the facilities like linking pages and inserting external urls but was flawless (so far) on IE. The whole process of page creation was simplified and its use anywhere nature makes it an excellent tool. The service was whole lot more integrated and WYSIWYG than blog editing interface that I use on a regular basis. I have not yet tried the software on the powerbook/OSX/safari combination that I am using for this post. I am not entirely happy with the content on the new home page but that is something I will sharpen up in the coming days, the new page is a handy place to link to my blogs and use in my private email signature.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

8 meg

I recently upgraded my broadband connection over ADSL to 8 meg, it was of those upgrades that does have an immediate impact on your way of working. My previous connection speed was 2 meg and to be honest i did not think that i would need any greater downloading muscle. However i helped a friend out who had purchased an 'ebay' laptop computer but lacked the funds for an operating system. I started the download of the excellent open source kubuntu operating system's cd image, normally i sit back and get on with something else but was stunned at the rapid download speed. It sound a little sad but seeing the 'wget' progress bar in my Linux command shell race across the screen i was feeling a little smug that i upgraded. My ISP Nildram, now owned by PIPEX and formerly owned by Mr Mardlin (yes nildram is mardlin backwards) have always provided me with a good service, apart from once being down for 4 days in a row, but 4 days in 5 years of service is not bad. I hope this 8 meg service upgrade does not effect their good record.

If you are considering upgrading your internet broadband service, i would say if you do download large files then go for it, but you just need simple web browsing, email and IM then stick to 512k or 2meg. Serial Music & Movie downloaders will love the new ADSL2's speedy downloads but as I buy all my music and movies legally, as i think this shows respect to the creator, this multimedia factor does not really effect me. On the illegal downloading subject matter i employ the following theory "As the creator has enhanced your life in some way, you shold pay back the favour".