Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Python TV

well I have delved too deep into something and become hooked, its grave confession to make on a blog I know, but I have to admit this addition to the world…..I am addicted to Python…..(www.python.org)

The last time I did any software development it was still called "programming" and I used a BBC Micro to pass my A Levels with flying colours in the mid 80's, if I recall my "Theatre Ticket Booking System" helped reserve seats and using a visual representation of the theatres seating, it helped of course that the theatre in question had 10 rows of 20 seats……

Over the last week I have been using Python to create a simple gui that changes channels on my digital TV card in Linux workstation, this started with me trying top solve an annoyance I had with the local setup of Mplayer which displays the video output from the card……I thought that I could solve this issue while educating myself.

well with the help of an online tutorial and the PyGTK kit for creating GUI's I have the first version up and running, it only does 3 channels via a very simple GUI based on 3 buttons, although more are easy to add, plus it works very nicely and actually switches channels by passing parameters to Mplayer…….it was a lot easier than I expected and now I am hooked on python and the challenge of programming……….sorry software development……

Screen shot - http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/lh/photo/TGeM9S9-Grs7DkQpbUwV0Q?feat=directlink

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